Nelson Tasman data & statistics

How does Nelson Tasman compare to the rest of New Zealand? What’s really going on behind the scenes? Real-time, relevant information means everything in today’s world, and a smart business harnesses the right data to make smart decisions.

Our insights page is regularly updated and provides a quick, easy-to-interpret snapshot of Nelson Tasman’s economic performance, as well as simple yet powerful tools that help industry and business understand relevant data to assist with planning, policy, and strategic decisions.

Check back frequently for the latest data and statistics.

The 2023 Nelson Tasman Insights reveals what our businesses are thinking.

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We commission regular reports from Infometrics to track a range of measures across the region. Learn about Nelson Tasman’s growth, economy, employment, tourism, housing, productivity, population, skills, and more, helping you to form a better understanding of what is going on and how your business should respond.

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View the latest Nelson Tasman quarterly economic infographic.

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When the COVID-19 pandemic first arrived in New Zealand in 2020, regional agencies quickly saw the need to work closely together to navigate and mitigate the economic impacts of the lockdown and whatever might come after that.

Project Kōkiri (as it was called at the time) was set up as the Nelson Tasman economic development collaboration - an action and insights-orientated taskforce backed by Nelson City Council, Tasman District Council, Mana Whenua, Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce, Nelson Regional Development Agency and the regionally based government agencies.

The defining purpose of the collaboration was to ensure that the region had a well-organised and coordinated economic response across all agencies and stakeholders that could complement the health and social responses being undertaken.

The Project Kōkiri group developed the Nelson Tasman Economic Response & Regeneration Action Plan which was released in June 2020. That plan focused on response activity to cushion the immediate economic impact of COVID-19 and to support a coordinated response across government, local government, mana whenua and the business community.

Nelson Tasman Regeneration Plan 2021 - 2031

Nelson Tasman Regeneration Plan 2021 - 2031

The Nelson Tasman Regeneration Plan has been developed through uncertainty and disruption. Its purpose is to support our region in navigating the next decade of change as we continue to rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic and tackle the pressing challenges ahead.

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Our Plan at a Glance

Our Plan at a Glance

Nelson Tasman is a place of palpable energy, vibrant culture, clever businesses and an array of stunning natural landscapes to explore. A place where it is easy to connect and where connection breeds creativity and innovation. Our regenerative economy, built on intellectual capital, enables our people and places to thrive.

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Our Economic Context & Challenges

Our Economic Context & Challenges

Whilst our challenges are significant, the people of Te Tauihu have the knowledge and
courage to navigate these choppy waters together.

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QEM September 2023

QEM September 2023

The latest Quarterly Economic Monitor giving data to September 2023.

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QEM Insights - Nelson City

QEM Insights - Nelson City

This document provides a more detailed outline of the quarterly economic performance of Nelson City for the June 2023 quarter.

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QEM Insights - Tasman District

QEM Insights - Tasman District

This document provides a more detailed outline of the quarterly economic performance of the Tasman District for the June 2023 quarter.

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QEM Insights - Nelson Tasman

QEM Insights - Nelson Tasman

This document provides a more detailed outline of the quarterly economic performance for Nelson Tasman for the June 2023 quarter.

QEM Insights - Nelson Tasman

Uncovering Regional Business Insights - Business Survey 2023

Uncovering Regional Business Insights - Business Survey 2023

This report presents the findings of the 2023 Nelson Tasman Business Survey, together with data from other sources, to provide a snapshot of the business environment in Nelson Tasman.

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Food & Beverage Economy in Nelson Tasman

Food & Beverage Economy in Nelson Tasman

The growing, harvesting and manufacturing of Food, Beverage and Wellness products is a significant economic driver for Nelson Tasman, providing in 2022 $588m of GDP, 8782 jobs and an extensive supply chain that supports many of our service businesses.

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Forestry Economy in Nelson Tasman

Forestry Economy in Nelson Tasman

Forestry and Wood Processing is a significant economic driver for Nelson Tasman, providing in 2021 $175m of GDP, 2049 jobs and an extended supply chain. As noted by MPI1, however, the importance of forests to New Zealand goes well beyond commercial timber production. New Zealand’s forests have spiritual, social, cultural, environmental, (as well as) economic importance.

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Visitor Economy in Nelson Tasman

Visitor Economy in Nelson Tasman

The Visitor Economy is a significant driver for Nelson Tasman. The importance of the sector goes beyond direct economic contribution: The visitor sector supports events, the arts, hospitality, retail and outdoor experiences, and contributes to the vitality and vibrancy of Nelson Tasman.

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Blue Economy in Nelson Tasman

Blue Economy in Nelson Tasman

The Blue Economy is a central element of the Nelson Tasman economy. It is identified in the Te Tauihu Intergenerational Strategy and the Nelson Tasman Regeneration Plan 2021-2031 as a key driver and anchor sector of future economic development in the Nelson Tasman region.

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Nelson Tasman Regional Economic Briefing 2022

Nelson Tasman Regional Economic Briefing 2022

This report provides an overview of the current state of the Nelson-Tasman economy, as well as identifying some of the region’s challenges, and opportunities for economic development.

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Business Births and Deaths Trends in Nelson-Tasman to September 2021

Business Births and Deaths Trends in Nelson-Tasman to September 2021

This report provides timely insights about the number of businesses that are starting up and failing during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as characteristics about these businesses.

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Understanding Productivity in Nelson Tasman

Understanding Productivity in Nelson Tasman

This report gives an understanding of productivity across Nelson-Tasman, how it has evolved, and why it sits below the national average.

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Nelson Tasman Productivity Gap 2022 - Supplementary Update

Nelson Tasman Productivity Gap 2022 - Supplementary Update

This document provides a supplementary update to the 2021 report by Benje Patterson entitled “Understanding Productivity in Nelson-Tasman”.

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Regional Economic Activity

Regional Economic Activity

A tool that allows you to compare regions' economic performance, distinguish their attributes and specialisations, and understand the different roles they play in the New Zealand economy.

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Business Events Activity Survey

Business Events Activity Survey

A survey which monitors and benchmarks the performance of more than 300 professional conferencing and meeting venues in New Zealand.

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Business Events Delegate Survey

Business Events Delegate Survey

A survey that collects expenditure and length of stay data from approximately 2500 multi-day local, domestic and international convention delegates.

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Nelson MTB Economic Study

Nelson MTB Economic Study

An economic study undertaken to better understand the benefits that mountain biking can bring to the community.

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Accommodation Data Programme

Accommodation Data Programme

The Accommodation Data Programme (ADP) provides information about short-term accommodation activity at national, regional, and lower levels. It estimates the guest nights, occupancy rates and other measures relating to the accommodation industry. The ADP replaces the Commercial Accommodation Monitor.

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Tourism Electronic Card Transactions (TECTs)

Tourism Electronic Card Transactions (TECTs)

The TECTs are an interim replacement to Monthly Regional Tourism Estimates (MRTEs) that provide insights into monthly tourism spend. They are calculated differently from the MRTEs and the two sets of data cannot be compared.

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New Zealand Tourism Dashboard

New Zealand Tourism Dashboard

A one-stop shop that brings together a range of tourism datasets into an easy-to-use tool, presenting information in dynamic graphs and tables.

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